Download recent issues:
May-Jun 2010 (580K pdf) Guest speaker Erik Marcus; two amendments to SVS bylaws proposed—vegan-only potlucks, nonprofit status; Mondays “Veg Days” in San Francisco; Veggie star: Tiffany Hunter Green.
Mar-Apr 2010 (514K pdf) Nutritionist Bronwyn Schweigerdt on Preventing Cancer; Breeding Grounds: factory farms and disease; Veggie Star: Gurinder Arora; SVS Vegan Cooking Class; Creamy beet soup recipe.
Jan–Feb 2010 (512K pdf) "The Fat Vegan"; exciting speakers; Jessica Marler member profile; cattle and greenhouse gases; pumpkin custard pie recipe
Nov-Dec 2009 (690K pdf) Swine Flu & E. Coli contamination from factory farming, Angela Lucero member profile, "The China Study."
Sept-Oct 2009 (792K pdf) Swine flu animal connection, Charlotte Markee member profile, Twitter animal rescue, book reviews, & recipes.
Jul-Aug 2009 (920K pdf) The Protein Myth, How I Cured My "Asthma" (Stan Greenberg member profile), Recipes, Veggie Calendar.
May-Jun 2009 (885K pdf) Recipes, Nutrition info, Member Profile, Upcoming programs.
Mar-Apr 2009 (673K pdf) Global warming, nutrition and dairy products, vegan egg replacers, and an animal activist's reflections. Try three great vegan recipes. Jan-Feb 2009 (514K pdf) Newsletter Naming contest, Salmonella outbrook, & Local Growers Panel.